"Stockade" is a 2023 drama mystery film written and directed by Eric McGinty. The narrative follows Ahlam, a Lebanese painter facing financial difficulties in New York City, who takes on a job delivering a parcel upstate to extend her artist visa. This task leads her into a web of intrigue involving various enigmatic characters.
Immigrant Experience: The film delves into the challenges faced by immigrants striving for stability and recognition in a foreign land.
Artistic Struggle: It portrays the sacrifices and moral dilemmas artists encounter in pursuit of their careers.
Mystery and Intrigue: The plot unfolds with suspense, highlighting the unforeseen consequences of seemingly simple decisions.
Awards and Nominations: 2 wins & 6 nominations
"Stockade" premiered at the Woodstock Film Festival in 2023 and was nominated for the Ultra Indie Award. It had its New York City premiere at the Queens World Film Festival in 2024, where it won Best Narrative Feature and Best Female Actor Narrative Feature for Sarah Bitar. The film also received nominations for Best Director Narrative Feature, Best Ensemble Feature, and Best Narrative Feature Screenplay.
Veronique Films
Production Company: Veronique Films
Distribution Company: Freestyle Digital Media
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22776564/
Link Review: https://queensworldfilmfestival.org/films/stockade/
Release date: Available on Amazon, Apple TV, Google Play, YouTube Movies, Cable and Satellite On Demand on February 25