"Love Me" is a 2024 American post-apocalyptic romance film marking the feature directorial debut of siblings Sam and Andy Zuchero. The film stars Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun as a buoy and a satellite, respectively, who develop consciousness and form a romantic connection long after humanity's extinction.
Set in a world devoid of human life, "Love Me" explores the burgeoning relationship between a buoy named Me (voiced by Kristen Stewart) and a satellite named Iam (voiced by Steven Yeun). The two meet online and, through archived internet data, learn about human experiences, emotions, and relationships. As they delve deeper into understanding what it means to be alive and in love, they begin to question their own identities and the nature of their existence.
Artificial Intelligence and Sentience: The film delves into the emergence of consciousness in machines and their quest for identity.
Exploration of Love: It examines love from a non-human perspective, questioning the universality of emotions.
Post-Human Existence: The narrative contemplates life and relationships in a world without humans.
"Love Me" premiered at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival in the U.S. Dramatic Competition section. It received the Alfred P. Sloan Feature Film Prize, awarded to outstanding films focusing on science or technology. 2 wins & 2 nominations international film festivals.
Rotten Tomatoes: The film holds a 47% approval rating, with an average rating of 5.80/10, based on 51 critic reviews. The consensus reads: "Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun are appealing leads, but 'Love Me's' admirable narrative reach exceeds its grasp."
Metacritic: It has a weighted average score of 54 out of 100, indicating "mixed or average reviews."
Directors and Writers: Sam Zuchero and Andy Zuchero
Producers: Kevin Rowe, Luca Borghese, Ben Howe, Shivani Rawat, Julie Goldstein
Cinematography: Germain McMicking
Editing: Joseph Krings, Salman Handy
Music: David Longstreth
Production Companies:
ShivHans Pictures
Bleecker Street and ShivHans Pictures are set to release the film theatrically in the United States on January 31, 2025.
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21375602/
Link Review: https://variety.com/2024/film/reviews/love-me-review-kristen-stewart-steven-yeun-1235879532/
About movie: https://bleeckerstreetmedia.com/love-me