"Diamanti" is a 2024 film directed by Ferzan Özpetek that delves into the lives and relationships of a group of women connected to a prominent film costume atelier in the 1970s. The narrative oscillates between the present day and the past, highlighting the experiences of two sisters who manage the atelier, each distinct yet deeply bonded. The film explores themes of solitude, passion, anxiety, and enduring connections, emphasizing the women's perspectives while relegating male roles to the periphery. It also offers a metacinematic reflection on the world of cinema from the vantage point of costume design, intertwining reality with fiction. Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt32810496/ Link Review: https://cineuropa.org/en/newsdetail/471522/ About movie: https://www.visiondistribution.it/film/diamanti/
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