"Companion" is an upcoming American romantic psychological thriller written and directed by Drew Hancock, marking his feature directorial debut. The film stars Sophie Thatcher as Iris, an android designed to be the perfect partner, and Jack Quaid as Josh, her human companion. The narrative unfolds during a weekend getaway at a remote lakeside estate, where Iris begins to malfunction, leading to a series of violent and unforeseen events.
Artificial Intelligence and Humanity: Explores the boundaries between programmed behavior and genuine emotion.
Toxic Relationships: Examines the dynamics of control and autonomy within intimate partnerships.
Self-Discovery and Empowerment: Follows Iris's journey towards self-awareness and liberation from her programmed constraints.
Awards and Nominations:
Winner Directors to Watch, Palm Springs International Film Festival 2025.
Critical Reception:
The film has generated interest due to its unique genre-blending approach. Director Drew Hancock describes it as encompassing "six different genres," suggesting a multifaceted narrative.
Production Companies:
New Line Cinema
Warner Bros. Pictures
Distributor: Warner Bros. Pictures
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26584495/
Link Review: https://www.cinemablend.com/movies/companion-screened-reaction-jack-quaid-sophie-thatcher-thriller
About movie: https://www.companionmovie.com.my/
Release date: Scheduled for January 30, 2025 (theaters)