"With Myself" is a 2023 drama directed by Leonardo Corbucci. The film follows Laura, who discovers her boyfriend Alex's infidelity and ends their relationship just as a pandemic lockdown begins. Isolated and emotionally turbulent, Laura devises a plan for revenge. In a twist of fate, she encounters someone who leads her to reevaluate her sexuality and personal identity.
Isolation: The film delves into the psychological effects of being alone during a lockdown.
Self-Discovery: Laura's journey highlights the exploration of personal identity and sexuality.
Revenge and Forgiveness: The narrative examines the motivations behind seeking revenge and the path to forgiveness.
Awards and Nominations:
"With Myself" has garnered recognition in the film festival circuit:
Production Details:
Production Company: CORBUCCI FILMS
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13566378/
About movie: https://www.leonardocorbucci.com/
Link to watch: https://tinyurl.com/4jcz8yk5 (UK)