"Who by Fire" (French: "Comme le feu") is a 2024 Canadian-French drama film written and directed by Philippe Lesage. The film centers on 17-year-old Jeff, who joins his best friend Max's family for a vacation at the secluded lodge of renowned film director Blake Cadieux. Jeff, an aspiring filmmaker, admires Cadieux and harbors a secret affection for Max's older sister, Aliocha. During the stay, Jeff becomes entangled in the complex dynamics among the adults, leading to revelations that challenge his perceptions of his idols and himself.
"Who by Fire" is a coming-of-age drama that explores the complexities of adolescence, the disillusionment of idolization, and the intricate dynamics of adult relationships, set against the backdrop of a secluded wilderness retreat.
Adolescent Awakening: Explores the transition from adolescence to adulthood, highlighting the challenges of self-discovery and the loss of innocence.
Idolization and Disillusionment: Examines the pitfalls of idolizing figures and the inevitable disillusionment that follows when their flaws are revealed.
Complex Adult Relationships: Delves into the intricacies of adult interactions, exposing the hidden tensions and conflicts beneath the surface.
Key Success Factors:
Direction and Writing: Philippe Lesage's nuanced storytelling and character development have been praised for their depth and authenticity.
Cinematography: Balthazar Lab's visual portrayal of the Quebec wilderness enhances the film's atmospheric tension.
Performances: Strong performances by the cast, particularly Noah Parker and Arieh Worthalter, contribute to the film's emotional impact.
Awards, and Nominations:
74th Berlin International Film Festival (2024): Won the Grand Prix of the International Jury in the Generation 14plus section.
Critical Reception:
The film has received generally positive reviews:
Variety: Guy Lodge notes that Lesage "underlines his ability to carve a semblance of a horror movie from everyday domestic drama," confirming him as a filmmaker of "considerable grace and daring."
Slant Magazine: Ryan Swen commends Lesage's "willingness to shift the tenor of the film to fit the wildly divergent narrative concerns of any given sequence," awarding it 3 out of 4 stars.
Screen Daily: Allan Hunter describes the film as a "sprawling feature" that brings Lesage's "trademark themes of adolescent anguish and toxic masculinity to a broader canvas but with uneven results."
Box Office Performance:
As of now, specific box office figures are not readily available.
Production Details:
Production Companies: Unité Centrale, Shellac Sud
Distributor: Shellac Films (France), Kimstim Films (US), Be for films (France)
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt30521164/
About movie: https://www.beforfilms.com/who-by-fire
Link to watch: https://www.justwatch.com/fr/film/comme-le-feu (France)
This film is recommended for viewers who appreciate:
Character-Driven Narratives: Deep explorations of interpersonal relationships and personal growth.
Atmospheric Settings: Films that utilize their environment to enhance storytelling.
Thought-Provoking Themes: Engagement with complex emotional and psychological subjects.