"What a Feeling" is a 2024 Austrian romantic comedy directed by Kat Rohrer. The film centers on Marie Theres, a successful 52-year-old doctor whose seemingly perfect life unravels when her husband leaves her. Amidst personal and professional turmoil, she meets Fa, a free-spirited Iranian carpenter. Despite their contrasting backgrounds, the two women develop a deep connection, challenging societal norms and personal boundaries.
Self-Discovery in Midlife: Explores personal growth and new beginnings beyond the age of fifty.
Breaking Cultural and Social Conventions: Addresses the challenges of defying societal expectations and embracing one's true self.
LGBTQ+ Relationships: Highlights the complexities and beauty of same-sex relationships, particularly among middle-aged women.
Awards and Nominations:
7 wins & 3 nominations
Critical Reception:
The film has received generally positive reviews:
Rotten Tomatoes: Holds a favorable rating, with critics praising its engaging mix of earthy interaction and humor.
Cineuropa: Described as an intelligent portrait of middle-aged women exploring new experiences and emotions.
The Reviews Hub: Noted for its fun approach, despite following a formulaic rom-com structure.
Production Companies:
Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion
International Sales: Minerva Pictures & TVCO
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt31116111/
Link Review: https://cineuropa.org/en/newsdetail/459063/
Link to watch: https://www.justwatch.com/de/Film/what-a-feeling (Germany)