The Universal Theory" (German: "Die Theorie von Allem") is a 2023 mystery thriller directed by Timm Kröger, co-written with Roderick Warich. Set in 1962, the film follows physicist Johannes Leinert, who attends a scientific congress in the Swiss Alps. There, he encounters Karin, a mysterious jazz pianist with inexplicable knowledge about him. As a series of enigmatic incidents, including mysterious deaths and strange natural phenomena, unfold, Johannes and Karin delve into the secrets concealed within the mountainous locale.
Quantum Mechanics and Reality: The film explores the intersection of advanced physics and the nature of reality, delving into complex scientific concepts.
Mystery and Paranoia: It builds a narrative filled with suspense, enigmatic events, and a sense of creeping paranoia.
Homage to Classic Cinema: Shot in black and white, the film pays tribute to the aesthetics and storytelling techniques of mid-20th-century cinema.
Awards and Nominations: 7 wins & 15 nominations
"The Universal Theory" premiered in competition at the 80th Venice International Film Festival on September 3, 2023. It received several nominations and awards, including:
German Film Awards (2024):
Best Cinematography (Won)
Best Production Design (Won)
Best Visual Effects (Won)
Best Film (Nominated)
Best Director for Timm Kröger (Nominated)
Best Score for Diego Ramos Rodríguez (Nominated)
German Film Critics Association Awards (2024):
Best Music for Diego Ramos Rodríguez (Won)
Best Film (Nominated)
Best Actor for Gottfried Breitfuss (Nominated)
Best Screenplay for Timm Kröger and Roderick Warich (Nominated)
Best Cinematography for Roland Stuprich (Nominated)
Venice Film Festival (2023):
Golden Lion (Nominated)
Critical Reception:
The film has garnered generally favorable reviews:
Rotten Tomatoes: Holds an approval rating of 69% based on 26 reviews, with an average rating of 6.6/10.
Metacritic: Assigned a score of 59 out of 100, based on 8 critics, indicating "generally favorable" reviews.
Financial Times: Described as "a visually dazzling retro exercise in paranoid Alpine sci-fi noir," with a five-star rating.
Sight and Sound (BFI): Praised as a "deliciously cryptic quantum thriller," noting its homage to film noir and thriller genres.
Box Office Performance:
As of now, the film has grossed approximately $531,032 worldwide.
Production Companies: Fiction
The Barricades
Panama Film
Catpics AG
Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen / SRG SSR
Sales: Charades (France)
France: UFO Distribution
Germany: Neue Visionen Filmverleih, ood movies!
Italy: Movies Inspired
Spain: La Aventura Audiovisual
United Kingdom: Picturehouse Entertainment
United States: Oscilloscope
Link IMDB:
Link Review:
Link to watch: (US), (France), (Germany), (Canada)