"The Kingdom" (French: "Le Royaume") is a 2024 French family crime drama directed by Julien Colonna. Set in 1995 Corsica, the film follows 15-year-old Lesia, portrayed by Ghjuvanna Benedetti, who is unexpectedly brought to her father, Pierre-Paul, a crime boss played by Saveriu Santucci. As they evade rival mobsters across the island, father and daughter work to mend their strained relationship, with Lesia becoming increasingly entangled in her father's criminal world.
Director's Vision:
Julien Colonna drew inspiration from his personal experiences, particularly the birth of his daughter, to craft a narrative that delves into the complexities of familial bonds within a crime-ridden environment. He aimed to present an authentic portrayal of Corsican culture and the challenges of reconciling personal desires with familial obligations.
Familial Bonds: The evolving relationship between a father and his daughter amidst external threats.
Crime and Morality: The moral dilemmas faced by individuals involved in organized crime.
Identity and Heritage: Exploration of Corsican identity and the influence of heritage on personal choices.
Key Success Factors:
Authentic Setting: Filmed on location in Corsica, providing genuine cultural and geographical context.
Strong Performances: Notably by newcomers Ghjuvanna Benedetti and Saveriu Santucci, who bring depth to their roles.
Personal Narrative: Colonna's personal connection to the story adds emotional authenticity.
Summary Short:
"The Kingdom" is a poignant exploration of a father-daughter relationship set against the backdrop of Corsican organized crime in the mid-1990s.
Awards, and Nominations:
Cannes Film Festival 2024: Nominated in the Un Certain Regard section.
Louis Delluc Prize 2024: Nominated for Best First Film.
Critical Reception:
Critics have lauded the film for its compelling storytelling and authentic portrayal of Corsican culture. Le Monde highlighted its exploration of violence and familial ties, drawing parallels to Greek tragedy.
Production Summary:
Shot entirely in Corsica, the film features a cast primarily composed of local first-time actors, enhancing its authenticity. Despite challenges, such as reworking a pivotal boat scene due to a storm over the Gulf of Ajaccio, the production successfully captured the island's essence.
Production Companies:
Chi-Fou-Mi Productions
Distribution and Sales Summary:
Following its premiere at Cannes, Metrograph Pictures acquired North American distribution rights, while Ad Vitam Distribution handles the French release.
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt32086032/
Link Review: https://cineuropa.org/en/newsdetail/462489/
Link to watch: https://www.primevideo.com/detail/0FCLPGYX75S7HGZOSS7NJDF94O/ref=dvm_src_ret_nl_xx_s (Netherlands)
Why Recommend This Movie:
This film offers a unique blend of crime drama and familial exploration, set within the rich cultural tapestry of Corsica. Its authentic performances and compelling narrative provide a fresh perspective on the crime genre, making it a must-watch for those interested in character-driven stories.