The End" is a 2024 apocalyptic musical film directed and co-written by Joshua Oppenheimer. The narrative centers on a wealthy family—Mother (Tilda Swinton), Father (Michael Shannon), and their son (George MacKay)—who have lived in an underground bunker for two decades following an environmental catastrophe they inadvertently caused. Their secluded existence is disrupted by the arrival of a mysterious stranger (Moses Ingram), compelling them to confront their past actions and the resulting consequences.
Environmental Catastrophe: The film critiques human-induced environmental destruction and its irreversible consequences.
Privilege and Guilt: It explores the moral dilemmas faced by the affluent who survive at the expense of others, delving into themes of privilege, guilt, and denial.
Isolation and Human Connection: The narrative examines the psychological impact of prolonged isolation and the innate human need for connection and redemption.
Accolades, Awards, and Nominations:
As of January 2025, "The End" has received the following nominations:
San Sebastián International Film Festival (September 28, 2024): Nominated for the Golden Seashell.
Chicago International Film Festival (October 27, 2024): Nominated for the Gold Hugo.
Critical Reception:
"The End" has garnered mixed reviews from critics:
Rotten Tomatoes: Holds a rating of 52%, indicating mixed or average reviews.
Metacritic: Scores 69 out of 100, suggesting generally favorable reviews. Sheila O'Malley awarded the film two and a half stars out of four, noting, "The experiment of The End may not entirely work, but it is good that it exists."
The Hollywood Reporter: Lovia Gyarkye described the film as "an admirable if uneven endeavor."
Box Office Performance:
As of January 2025, "The End" has grossed approximately $141,660 worldwide, reflecting a limited theatrical release.
Production Details:
Production Companies:
The Match Factory/Mubi
Final Cut for Real
The End MFP
Wild Atlantic Pictures
Dorje Film
Moonspun Films
U.S. Distributor: Neon
International Distributors:
Mubi: United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Austria
Scandinavian Film Distribution: Denmark, Sweden
Link IMDB:
About movie:
Link to watch: (US)