"The Brutalist" is a 2024 epic period drama directed by Brady Corbet, co-written with Mona Fastvold. The film stars Adrien Brody as László Tóth, a Hungarian-born Jewish architect and Holocaust survivor who emigrates to the United States post-World War II. Alongside his wife, Erzsébet (Felicity Jones), Tóth endeavors to rebuild their lives and careers in America, encountering profound challenges and a transformative relationship with a mysterious, affluent client, Harrison Lee Van Buren Sr. (Guy Pearce).
Immigrant Experience: The film delves into the challenges and aspirations of immigrants pursuing the American Dream in the post-war era.
Artistic Ambition vs. Compromise: It explores the tension between creative vision and the compromises artists make under societal and economic pressures.
Trauma and Resilience: The narrative addresses the lingering effects of Holocaust trauma and the resilience required to rebuild one's life.
Capitalism and Power Dynamics: The story critiques the influence of wealth and power on personal and professional relationships.
Awards and Nominations:
"The Brutalist" has garnered significant critical acclaim and numerous awards:
Venice International Film Festival (2024):
Silver Lion for Best Director: Brady Corbet
Golden Globe Awards (2025):
Best Motion Picture – Drama: Won
Best Director: Brady Corbet – Won
Best Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama: Adrien Brody – Won
Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture: Guy Pearce – Nominated
Best Supporting Actress – Motion Picture: Felicity Jones – Nominated
Best Screenplay: Brady Corbet and Mona Fastvold – Nominated
Best Original Score: Daniel Blumberg – Nominated
New York Film Critics Circle Awards (2024):
Best Film: Won
Best Actor: Adrien Brody – Won
Chicago Film Critics Association (2024):
Best Film: Won
Best Actor: Adrien Brody – Won
Best Cinematography: Lol Crawley – Won
Los Angeles Film Critics Association (2024):
Best Production Design: Judy Becker – Won
For a comprehensive list of awards and nominations, refer to the film's IMDb page.
Critical Reception:
The film has received widespread acclaim:
The Guardian: Described it as "an amazing and engrossing epic," praising its depth and execution.
Vogue: Highlighted the film's "sumptuous" cinematography and "impressively stylish" production design.
NPR: Included it among the best movies of 2024, noting its "gorgeous, conceptually stunning" portrayal of the American Dream.
RogerEbert.com: Named it the top film of 2024, emphasizing its ambitious storytelling.
Box Office Performance:
As of January 2025, "The Brutalist" has grossed approximately $1.2 million worldwide. The film's limited release and extended runtime have influenced its box office performance.
Box Office Mojo
Reviews on Cinema Sites:
Rotten Tomatoes: The film holds a high approval rating, reflecting strong critical consensus.
Metacritic: It has received a Metascore indicating universal acclaim.
Production Details:
"The Brutalist" was filmed in various locations, including Budapest, Hungary. The production was a collaboration between Brookstreet Pictures and Kaplan Morrison. The film's score was composed by Daniel Blumberg, contributing significantly to its atmospheric depth.
Production Companies:
Brookstreet Pictures
Kaplan Morrison
United States: A24
International: Universal Pictures, Focus Features
Sales Companies:
Protagonist Pictures
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8999762/
Link Review: https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-reviews/the-brutalist-review-brady-corbet-1235210750/
About movie: https://a24films.com/films/the-brutalist
Link to watch: https://www.primevideo.com/detail/0LKAGNDBWHTEE9EZPHISR2ABFQ/ref=dvm_src_ret_ca_xx_s (Canada)