"Snow Leopard" is a 2023 Tibetan-language drama film written and directed by Pema Tseden, marking his final work before his untimely passing. The film delves into the complex relationship between humans and wildlife on the Tibetan Plateau, focusing on themes of cultural conflict, environmental conservation, and the clash between tradition and modernity.
Set in a remote Tibetan village, the narrative centers on a herder named Jinpa, whose livestock is attacked by a snow leopard—a species protected by law. The incident sparks a debate within the community, particularly between Jinpa and his brother, a Buddhist monk known as the Snow Leopard Lama, over whether to kill the predator or preserve its life. This conflict brings to light differing perspectives on wildlife conservation, spiritual beliefs, and the influence of governmental policies.
Human-Wildlife Conflict: The film explores the tensions arising when human livelihoods intersect with wildlife conservation efforts.
Cultural and Spiritual Beliefs: It examines the role of Buddhism in shaping attitudes toward nature and animal life.
Authority and Autonomy: The story reflects on the impact of centralized governmental policies on indigenous practices and local decision-making.
Awards and Nominations: 13 wins & 15 nominations
"Snow Leopard" premiered out of competition at the 80th Venice International Film Festival in 2023. It was awarded the Tokyo Grand Prix (Best Film) at the 36th Tokyo International Film Festival.
Sight and Sound (BFI): Describes the film as "among [Tseden's] most ambitious and beautiful works," highlighting its exploration of human-animal relationships.
Seventh Row: Notes that "Snow Leopard is a call for empathy, not just for animals but other humans," emphasizing its thematic depth.
Critical Reception:
The film has been praised for its visual beauty and narrative depth. Critics have noted its exploration of human emotions against the backdrop of the vast Tibetan landscape. For instance, a review in Sight and Sound describes it as "among [Tseden's] most ambitious and beautiful works."
Production Companies: China Film Co., Ltd; Great Luck Films; OPEN Pictures; Qinghai Manishi Film Co., Ltd.; iQIYI Pictures
Distribution: E.D. Distribution (France), DAY FOR NIGHT FILM & VISUAL ARTS (UK)
Sales: Rediance (China)
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21223152/
Link Review: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2024/nov/21/snow-leopard-review-tibetan-director-pema-tseden
About movie: https://www.rediancefilms.com/film.php-61.html
Link to watch: https://www.universcine.com/films/le-leopard-des-neiges (France)