"Salem" is a 2023 French drama film directed by Jean-Bernard Marlin, renowned for his debut feature "Shéhérazade." The film is set in the housing projects of Marseille and intertwines elements of gang rivalry, forbidden love, and supernatural beliefs.
Synopsis: The narrative centers on Djibril, a 14-year-old member of the Grasshoppers gang, who is romantically involved with Camilla from the rival Crickets gang. After being coerced into murdering a young member of the Crickets, Djibril becomes haunted by a curse uttered by the dying victim. Convinced that his unborn child with Camilla is destined to save their community from impending doom, Djibril's journey blurs the lines between reality and the supernatural.
Summary: "Salem" is a French drama that intertwines gang conflicts, forbidden love, and supernatural elements within the setting of Marseille's housing projects. Directed by Jean-Bernard Marlin, the film explores themes of fate, redemption, and the impact of curses on individuals and communities. It has garnered attention for its ambitious narrative and unique blend of genres.
Gang Rivalry: Explores the violent conflicts between rival gangs in Marseille's housing projects.
Forbidden Love: Depicts a romance akin to "Romeo and Juliet" between members of opposing factions.
Supernatural Beliefs: Investigates themes of curses and prophecies influencing the characters' actions.
Redemption and Fate: Examines the protagonist's quest for redemption and belief in a predestined role for his child.
Awards & Nominations : "Salem" was nominated for Best Picture at the 2023 Film Festival of Catalonia, Nominee Un Certain Regard Award Cannes Film Festival 2023.
Critical Reception: The film has received mixed reviews, with an IMDb rating of 5.8/10 based on 103 user ratings.
Critics have noted its ambitious blend of genres, with Screen Daily describing it as "an eccentric but absolutely individual proposition," and Cineuropa highlighting it as "a highly ambitious and imperfectly accomplished film about the tragic reality of life in Marseille's most deprived neighbourhoods."
Box Office Performance: As of now, "Salem" has grossed $504,985 worldwide.
Production Companies: Unité, Vatos Locos Productions, France 2 Cinéma
International Sales: Goodfellas
Distribution: French Distributor: Ad Vitam Distribution
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt24797140/
About movie: https://goodfellas.film/movie/salem/
Link to watch: https://www.justwatch.com/fr/film/salem (France)