"Paula" is a 2023 French psychological drama directed by Angela Ottobah (also known as Angela Terrail). The film centers on 11-year-old Paula, who lives with her father in Paris. Despite her intelligence and energy, Paula finds school uninteresting and has only one friend, Achille. To uplift her spirits, her father decides to take her to a picturesque lake house for the summer. However, what begins as a pleasant retreat gradually turns into a stifling experience of isolation, with her father's behavior becoming increasingly oppressive and radical. Paula realizes that to return to a normal life, she must resist her father's escalating control.
Isolation: The film delves into the psychological effects of seclusion on a young girl and the dynamics with her father.
Parental Control: It examines the impact of an overbearing parent on a child's well-being and autonomy.
Resistance and Empowerment: Paula's journey reflects themes of personal resistance and the quest for self-determination.
Critical Reception:
The film has received mixed reviews:
IMDb: It holds a rating of 4.7 out of 10, based on 43 user ratings.
Rotten Tomatoes: The film is listed but lacks sufficient reviews to generate a consensus or score.
Letterboxd: "Paula" is listed on Letterboxd, though it appears to have limited reviews and ratings at this time.
Production Companies:
Micro Climat
Same Player
Arizona Films Distribution
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27328934/
About movie: https://www.arizonafilms.fr/films/paula/
Link to watch: https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/paula-2023 (US), https://www.justwatch.com/fr/film/paula-2023-0 (France)