"Mother Valley" (original title: "La Nuit du verre d'eau") is a 2023 drama directed by Carlos Chahine. Set in 1958 Lebanon during a civil war, the film follows Layla, a young mother and model wife, who spends the summer with her family in a remote Christian mountain village. An accidental encounter with a Frenchman opens Layla's eyes to her condition as a woman living in a patriarchal society, leading her to question her role and the societal norms imposed upon her.
Patriarchy and Women's Liberation: The film explores the constraints of a patriarchal society and a woman's awakening to her own oppression.
Self-Discovery: Layla's journey reflects the universal quest for personal identity and autonomy.
Cultural and Societal Norms: It examines the clash between traditional values and the desire for change.
Awards and Nominations:
"Mother Valley" has received recognition in various film festivals:
Critical Reception:
The film has garnered positive reviews:
Rotten Tomatoes: Critics have praised the film's delicate portrayal of its female characters, with one review noting, "Nonetheless, the delicacy and sensitivity with which Chahine envelops his female characters immunize Mother Valley against the reductionism of pamphletary material."
Cinemanía (Spain): Described as "A beautiful summer story about the awakening of a woman and a country."
Production Companies:
13 Prods
Autres Rivages
Orjouane Productions
International Sales: France TV Distribution
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22299230/
Link Review: https://thisisbeirut.com.lb/articles/1227793/mother-valley-by-carlos-chahine-a-cinematic-gem
Link to watch: https://www.justwatch.com/fr/film/la-nuit-du-verre-deau (France), https://www.justwatch.com/es/pelicula/la-nuit-du-verre-deau (Spain)