"Matt and Mara" is a 2024 Canadian drama film written and directed by Kazik Radwanski. The film stars Deragh Campbell as Mara, a university professor in a troubled marriage, who unexpectedly reconnects with Matt, portrayed by Matt Johnson, a man from her past.
Unresolved Relationships: The film delves into the complexities of rekindling past connections and the impact on present relationships.
Personal Growth: It explores the characters' journeys toward self-discovery and the challenges of confronting unresolved emotions.
"Matt and Mara" premiered in the Encounters program at the 74th Berlin International Film Festival and is scheduled for its Canadian premiere at the 2024 Toronto International Film Festival. 1 win & 3 nominations international film festivals.
Wendy Ide of Screen Daily noted that "Matt and Mara is one of those films in which very little concrete happens, but the tingling possibility that something might makes it compelling."
Sarah Manvel of Critic's Notebook offered a contrasting perspective, stating that the film "could have been delicious. But in this form we are not even being served the cookie dough.
Production: MDFF Films
Distribution: The film is distributed by The Cinema Guild, with a runtime of 80 minutes.
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13109862/
About movie: https://mdff.ca/film/matt-and-mara/
Link to watch: https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/matt-and-mara (US)