"Loud & Longing" is a 2023 independent drama co-directed by Isabel Ellison and Ryan Guiterman. The film follows childhood friends Lucy and Lucien, now artists in their thirties living in New York City, as they confront past traumas resurfacing with the unexpected arrival of their cousin, Matt. As Lucy prepares for her Off-Broadway debut and Lucien vies for a solo art show, they grapple with challenges related to addiction, mental health, and the complexities of their shared history.
Trauma and Recovery: The narrative delves into the impact of unresolved childhood trauma on adult life and the journey toward healing.
Artistic Struggle: It portrays the challenges artists face in balancing personal demons with professional aspirations.
Chosen Family: The film highlights the significance of supportive communities, especially among marginalized groups, in overcoming adversity.
Critical Reception:
The film has received mixed reviews:
Film Threat: Describes it as "an aching and occasionally brutal film about dealing with one's past and creating one's future alongside a family of choice," rating it 7.5/10.
Cinemacy: Notes that "Loud & Longing ultimately succeeds as an ode to the misfit," acknowledging technical inconsistencies but appreciating its thematic depth.
The Pink Lens: Comments on the film's diversity and honorable intentions but criticizes its execution as "drearily flat."
Production Company:
Precariat Productions
Distributed by Gravitas Ventures.
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21403044/
Link Review: https://filmthreat.com/reviews/loud-longing/
Link to watch: https://www.justwatch.com/us/search?q=loud%20longing (US), https://www.justwatch.com/ca/search (Canada)