"I Don't Know Who You Are" is a 2023 Canadian drama film marking the feature-length directorial debut of M.H. Murray. The film stars Mark Clennon as Benjamin, a gay working-class musician in Toronto who, after being sexually assaulted by a stranger, urgently seeks $1,000 to afford post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to protect himself from HIV.
Sexual Assault and Trauma: The film provides a poignant exploration of the immediate aftermath of sexual violence and its psychological impact.
Healthcare Accessibility: It critiques systemic barriers that prevent marginalized individuals from accessing essential medical care.
Resilience and Community: The narrative underscores the importance of personal strength and communal support in overcoming adversity.
The film premiered in the Discovery program at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), where it garnered critical acclaim for its compelling storytelling and performances. 1 win & 2 nominations international film festivals.
Rotten Tomatoes: The film holds a positive rating, with critics praising its urgent narrative and Clennon's performance.
IN Magazine: Described the film as "an urgent tale full of interconnected relationships and rough realities, giving way to hope in the face of adversity."
Filmmaker Magazine: Noted it as a "solid feature debut" with a strong sense of a particular micro-milieu.
Director and Writer: M.H. Murray
Martine Brouillet
M.H. Murray
Victoria Long
Mark Clennon
Cinematography: Details not specified.
Editing: M.H. Murray
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28585739/
Link Review: https://tiff.net/events/i-dont-know-who-you-are
About movie: https://www.mathewmurray.ca/
Link to watch: https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/i-dont-know-who-you-are (US), https://www.justwatch.com/ca/movie/i-dont-know-who-you-are (Canada)