"How to Make Love" is a 2024 romantic drama directed by Ryan Balas. The film follows Henry, an American who travels to Copenhagen and rents a room from Nora, a recently divorced playwright. Nora and her mischievous pregnant friend, Mimi, devise a mysterious seduction, leading Henry into unexpected emotional territory.
Summary: "How to Make Love" is a low-budget romantic drama that explores themes of intimacy, self-discovery, and the complexities of adult relationships. Set against the backdrop of Copenhagen, the film follows an American man's unexpected journey into the realms of seduction and personal boundaries. Despite its modest production, the film offers a unique narrative for viewers interested in unconventional romantic stories.
Exploration of Intimacy: The film delves into unconventional relationships and the complexities of human connection.
Self-Discovery: Henry's journey in a foreign land becomes a path to understanding his desires and boundaries.
Seduction and Consent: Examines the dynamics of seduction, power, and mutual consent within adult relationships.
Production Details:
Production Company: The Balas Brothers
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt30456231/
About movie: https://www.thebalasbrothers.com/
Link to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnC0m37hL5I (Producer Site)