"From Hilde, with Love" (German: "In Liebe, Eure Hilde") is a 2024 German historical drama directed by Andreas Dresen. The film tells the poignant and inspiring story of Hilde Coppi, a member of the anti-Nazi resistance group Red Orchestra during World War II. It focuses on Hilde’s courageous fight against the Nazi regime and her romantic relationship with her husband and fellow resistance fighter, Hans Coppi, while depicting the personal and political sacrifices they endured.
Resistance and Sacrifice:
The film portrays the unyielding courage of individuals who risked everything to stand up against oppression.
Love in the Shadow of War:
A deeply emotional narrative of Hilde and Hans’s love story amidst political turmoil.
Moral Integrity and Courage:
Highlights the ethical dilemmas and unwavering resolve of those who dared to challenge tyranny during one of history's darkest periods.
The Role of Women in Resistance:
Showcases Hilde’s integral contribution as a woman in the male-dominated resistance movement.
World Premiere: Premiered in the Competition Section at the 74th Berlin International Film Festival (2024).
Golden Bear Nomination: Contended for the festival’s prestigious Golden Bear Award.
Critical Acclaim: Praised for its emotional depth, historical accuracy, and exceptional performances.
Nominee Golden Berlin Bear, Berlin Film Festival 2024
Cineuropa: Commended the film’s "richly detailed historical narrative" and Liv Lisa Fries's exceptional portrayal of Hilde Coppi.
Variety: Highlighted its "moving depiction of resilience and love during adversity."
The Guardian: Rated 4/5 stars, calling it "a masterclass in balancing historical gravity with heartfelt storytelling."
Director: Andreas Dresen
Screenwriter: Laila Stieler
Producers: Claudia Steffen, Christoph Friedel, Regina Ziegler
Known for producing works with strong social and historical narratives.
Cinematography: Judith Kaufmann
Lauded for visually capturing the era’s haunting atmosphere with authenticity.
Editing: Jörg Hauschild
Ensures the seamless blend of emotional storytelling and historical drama.
Music: Jens Quandt
Composed a poignant score that complements the film's emotional intensity and historical backdrop.
Filming Locations:The film was shot across various historically significant locations in Germany, including Berlin and Leipzig, to authentically represent the WWII era.
Production Companies
Pandora Film Produktion GmbH
A renowned German production company known for collaborating on impactful and thought-provoking films.
A creative initiative supporting meaningful cinema.
A Franco-German network that co-produces culturally significant films.
Pandora Film Verleih (Germany)
Responsible for theatrical distribution in Germany.
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt20420646/
Link Review: https://cineuropa.org/en/newsdetail/457014/
Link to watch: https://bit.ly/4gVM6tJ (Germany)