"Escort" is a 2023 Croatian erotic thriller directed by Lukas Nola, marking his final film before his passing in October 2022. The narrative centers on Miro, a 40-year-old businessman who, for the first time, spends a night with a prostitute sent to his hotel room after a business meeting. Following their encounter, he discovers her dead in the bathroom. To conceal the incident, Miro enlists the help of two hotel employees, leading to a series of escalating demands that entangle him in a web of blackmail and moral dilemmas.
Moral Ambiguity: The film delves into the complexities of right and wrong, highlighting how a single decision can spiral into unforeseen consequences.
Power and Manipulation: It explores the dynamics of control, as Miro becomes ensnared by those who initially assist him.
Societal Hypocrisy: Nola critiques societal norms, exposing the underlying violence and primitivism that influence behavior.
"Escort" premiered at the 70th Pula Film Festival on July 18, 2023, where it received:
Golden Arena for Best Supporting Actor: Awarded to Krešimir Mikić for his portrayal of Belc.
Golden Arena for Best Production Design: Awarded to Ivan Veljača.
Special Recognition by the Croatian Independent Cinema Network: Honoring Nola's impactful storytelling.
4 wins & 1 nomination international film festivals
Cineuropa: Described "Escort" as "an impressive work of cinema on almost every level," praising its writing, structure, and performances, particularly highlighting Živko Anočić's portrayal of Miro.
Gazettely: Noted Nola's masterful use of visual and aural artistry, stating that "through masterful directing, cinematography, and music, Nola brought The Escort’s internal and external conflicts to startling life."
Director and Screenwriter: Lukas Nola
Ankica Jurić Tilić
Dragan Jurić
Hrvoje Pervan
Cinematography: Frane Pamić
Editing: Slaven Zečević
Music: Aleksandar Pejovski
Production Design: Ivan Veljača
Costume Design: Željka Franulović
Sound Design: Igor Popovski
Production Companies:
Kinorama (Croatia)
Skopje Film Studio (North Macedonia)
Buka Production (Kosovo)
Duplicato Media handled the film's distribution in Croatia, with its theatrical release commencing on October 26, 2023.
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt28150540/
Link Review: https://cineuropa.org/en/newsdetail/446612/
About movie: https://www.kinorama.hr/en/filmovi/Escort/77
Link to watch: https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/escort (US), https://www.justwatch.com/ca/movie/escort (Canada)