"El Retorno" is a 2024 Spanish drama film directed by Fernando M. Larrea, Susana Gonzalo, and Hansel Ureña Esposito. The film stars Ana Navasquillo as Silvia, Nuria Elosegui as Dependienta, Rut Domene as Fantasma, and Carlos Martín as Emilio, vecino.
About: "El Retorno" follows the journey of Silvia, a woman confronting her past and the lingering memories that have shaped her present. As she navigates through familiar places and faces, Silvia encounters both real and spectral figures, leading her to a profound self-discovery.
Memory and Identity: The film delves into how past experiences influence one's sense of self.
Confronting the Past: It explores the challenges of facing unresolved issues and the ghosts of one's history.
Personal Growth: Silvia's journey reflects the universal quest for understanding and inner peace.
Directors: Fernando M. Larrea, Susana Gonzalo, Hansel Ureña Esposito, and Rut Domene.
Writers: Ana Navasquillo and Fernando M. Larrea.
Producers: Ana Navasquillo (Executive Producer).
Music: Eduardo Pérez Ruiz.
Cinematography: Rut Domene and Alejandro Moreno.
Editing: Dani Diaz.
Art Direction: Rut Domene.
Sound: Felipe Benavides (Sound Supervisor).
Production Companies:
Iberevents Producciones.
Fantasy Line Productions.
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt32829611/
Link to watch: https://www.primevideo.com/detail/0F9XDXTPUU3P35YZNDQZ52SHCV/ref=dvm_src_ret_es_xx_s (Spain)