"Daft State" is a psychological thriller directed by Chad Bishoff, released on November 14, 2024. The film follows Easton, portrayed by Christopher Backus, whose psychological decline is influenced by his wife and daughter, leading him to the brink of sanity.
Psychological Deterioration: Explores the mental decline of the protagonist under familial pressures.
Family Dynamics: Examines the impact of family relationships on individual mental health.
Reality vs. Perception: Challenges the boundaries between what is real and imagined in the mind of the protagonist.
Critical Reception:
The film has received mixed reviews:
Production Companies:
Syncretic Entertainment
Distributor: Scatena & Rosner Films
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14790804/
Link Review: https://horrorbrains.com/daft-state-2024/
About movie: https://www.snrfilms.com/daft-state
Link to watch: https://www.amazon.com/Daft-State-Chad-Bishoff/dp/B0DFZ3NGB2?utm_source=chatgpt.com (US)