"Cuckoo" is a 2024 horror film written and directed by Tilman Singer. The narrative centers on Gretchen, a 17-year-old American who relocates to the German Alps to live with her estranged father, Luis, and his new family following her mother's death. They reside in a secluded resort managed by the enigmatic Herr König. As Gretchen acclimates to her new environment, she becomes increasingly unsettled by peculiar occurrences and the resort's eerie atmosphere. Her unease intensifies upon discovering that König is orchestrating a sinister plot involving her family, leading to a series of disturbing revelations.
Isolation and Alienation: Gretchen's displacement to a foreign land and her struggle to connect with her new family underscore feelings of isolation.
Familial Bonds: The film delves into the complexities of family relationships, particularly between estranged members.
Manipulation and Control: Herr König's machinations highlight themes of coercion and the exploitation of individuals for nefarious purposes.
Awards & Nominations:
2 wins & 8 nominations international film festivals.
Critical Reception:
"Cuckoo" has garnered mixed reviews from critics. Christy Lemire of RogerEbert.com noted that the film becomes "more confusing the more it explains itself," suggesting that the unfolding narrative diminishes its initial intrigue.
Jessica Kiang of Variety described the film as "an energetically outlandish fusion of stylish atmospherics, old-school reproductive horror and pro-flickknife advertorial."
The film holds a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, indicating generally positive reviews.
Box Office Performance:
"Cuckoo" had a production budget of $7 million and grossed approximately $6.7 million worldwide.
Reviews on Cinema Sites:
Bloody Disgusting: The film is described as a "weird high concept horror" that continues Tilman Singer's streak in the genre.
High On Films: The review mentions that the film has "bird-brained plotting with no sense of orientation," indicating a lack of coherent narrative direction.
Production Companies:
Fiction Park
Waypoint Entertainment
Weltkino Filmverleih: Germany
Neon: United States
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt12349832/
About movie: https://neonrated.com/films/cuckoo
Link to watch: https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/cuckoo-2024 (US), https://www.justwatch.com/ca/movie/cuckoo-2024 (Canada), https://www.justwatch.com/uk/movie/cuckoo-2024 (UK), https://www.justwatch.com/de/Film/cuckoo-2024 (Germany)