"Audition" is a 2024 short film directed by Cosimo Tucci, who also stars as the protagonist, Mike. The narrative centers on Mike, a struggling actor facing consistent rejections, leading him to question his aspirations. Alongside his friends Dom (Marc Anthony Sinagoga) and Maya (Jaclyn Dipietro), the film explores their collective experiences with heartbreak, success, and failure.
Perseverance in the Arts: The film delves into the challenges and emotional toll of pursuing a career in acting amidst repeated setbacks.
Friendship and Support: It highlights the importance of camaraderie and mutual support in navigating personal and professional struggles.
Self-Reflection: The narrative encourages introspection about one's dreams and the resilience required to pursue them.
Awards and Nomination: 13 wins & 5 nominations
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6079610/
Link to watch: https://www.amazon.com/Audition-Cosimo-Tucci/dp/B0CVZ6N8JG/ (US)