"Animale" is a 2024 French-Belgian drama directed by Emma Benestan. Set in the Camargue region of France, the film follows 22-year-old Nejma, portrayed by Oulaya Amamra, as she trains to compete in the traditional bull races, aiming to break into this male-dominated sport. As the community becomes alarmed by a series of mysterious attacks attributed to a rogue bull, Nejma's journey intertwines with themes of empowerment and transformation.
Director's Vision:
Emma Benestan crafts a narrative that blends personal growth with elements of fantasy and thriller, exploring themes of female empowerment and self-discovery within a traditionally male sphere.
Female Empowerment: Nejma's determination to succeed in bull racing challenges gender norms.
Transformation: The narrative delves into personal and possibly supernatural metamorphosis.
Tradition vs. Modernity: The film juxtaposes age-old customs with contemporary perspectives.
Key Success Factors:
Compelling Performances: Oulaya Amamra delivers a standout portrayal of Nejma.
Unique Narrative Blend: The fusion of drama, fantasy, and thriller elements offers a fresh storytelling approach.
Cinematic Imagery: Ruben Impens' cinematography captures the essence of the Camargue region.
Awards, and Nominations: 2 nominations
"Animale" premiered as the closing film of the Semaine de la Critique at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival.
Critical Reception:
Critics have praised the film for its innovative narrative and strong performances, highlighting its exploration of empathy, bodily autonomy, and feminism within the bullfighting community.
Box Office Performance:
France lifetime gross: $71,924 Worldwide lifetime total gross: $71,924
Production Details:
The film was produced by June Films (France) and Frakas Productions (Belgium), known for their focus on innovative and socially relevant cinema. The cinematography by Ruben Impens highlights the striking beauty of the Camargue region, while Yan Wagner's modern-meets-traditional musical score deepens the film's emotional resonance. Edited by Clémence Diard, the film skillfully balances tension and personal transformation. This carefully crafted production reflects Benestan's vision of blending realism with fantasy to explore gender roles, empowerment, and cultural traditions.
Distribution and Sales:
French Distribution: Wild Bunch Distribution
International Sales: Film Constellation
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27503400/
Link Review: https://cineuropa.org/en/newsdetail/462643/
About movie: https://en.unifrance.org/movie/57667/animale
Link to watch: https://picl.nl/films/animale/ (Netherlands)
Why Recommend This Movie:
"Animale" offers a compelling narrative that intertwines personal ambition with cultural traditions, set against the picturesque backdrop of the Camargue. Emma Benestan's direction, combined with Oulaya Amamra's powerful performance, provides a thought-provoking exploration of gender roles and self-discovery. The film's unique blend of drama and fantasy elements makes it a standout piece in contemporary French cinema.