"Al sur del Mekong" (South of the Mekong) is a 2024 film directed by Gonzalo García Pelayo. The narrative follows a lay consecrated woman who transports a statuette of the Virgin of Luján along the Mekong River, from Phnom Penh to Saigon, aiming to fulfill a promise. However, as she nears her destination, it seems to elude her grasp."Al sur del Mekong" is a visually captivating film that explores themes of faith, perseverance, and cultural discovery through the journey of a woman fulfilling a spiritual promise along the Mekong River.
Spiritual Journey: The protagonist's voyage symbolizes a quest for faith and personal fulfillment.
Perseverance: The film highlights the determination required to achieve one's goals, even when they seem unattainable.
Cultural Exploration: Set against the backdrop of Southeast Asia, the film delves into the region's rich cultural and spiritual landscapes.
Critical Reception:
Critics have praised the film for its visual beauty and narrative depth. Miguel Martín noted that the film "really satisfies me and is the kind of cinema I expect to see from Gonzalo."
Estrella Millán Sanjuán described it as "a work with great and careful craftsmanship... with shots of plastic and pictorial beauty that are hard to forget."
Production Company: Gong Cine
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt32368459/
Link to watch: https://www.filmin.es/pelicula/al-sur-del-mekong (Spain)