"The Bridge" (original title: "Le Pont") is a 2024 Tunisian-French drama directed by Walid Mattar. The film follows Foued, a young director who assists his friend Tita in filming a hip-hop music video. During the shoot, they discover a packet of cocaine and decide to sell it in small quantities at a trendy nightclub in Tunis. Their nightly crossings of the bridge lead to unexpected and dramatic consequences. Link IMDB: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt34459868/?ref_=nm_ov_bio_lk Link Review: https://cineuropa.org/en/newsdetail/470590 About movie: https://www.unifrance.org/film/59398/le-pont https://www.unifrance.org/film/59398/le-pont
Link to watch: https://pro.festivalscope.com/film/the-bridge-2