"Schirkoa: In Lies We Trust" is a 2024 animated dystopian fantasy film directed by Ishan Shukla. The narrative centers on 197A, a mid-level bureaucrat in the city-state of Schirkoa, where citizens are mandated to wear paper bags over their heads and are identified by alphanumeric codes. As 197A ascends the political hierarchy, he becomes entangled in a revolution that challenges the oppressive regime.
"Schirkoa: In Lies We Trust" is a visually striking animated film that delves into themes of authoritarianism, individuality, and spiritual awakening. Set in a dystopian world where citizens conceal their identities with paper bags, the story follows 197A, a bureaucrat who inadvertently becomes a catalyst for revolution.
Authoritarianism and Individuality: The film explores the suppression of personal identity under totalitarian rule, symbolized by citizens concealing their faces with paper bags.
Search for Freedom: Characters grapple with the desire to escape societal constraints, seeking liberation in the enigmatic land of Konthaqa.
Spiritual Awakening: The narrative delves into Eastern philosophies, emphasizing self-discovery and enlightenment.
Key Success Factors:
Innovative Animation: Utilizing Unreal Engine, the film presents a distinctive visual style that blends 2D and 3D animation techniques.
International Voice Cast: Featuring talents such as Golshifteh Farahani, Asia Argento, and Gaspar Noé, the film boasts a diverse and renowned ensemble.
Critical Acclaim: The film has been praised for its ambitious storytelling and unique aesthetic, contributing to its recognition in international film circles.
Awards and Nominations: 2 wins & 7 nominations
"Schirkoa: In Lies We Trust" premiered at the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) in January 2024, where it won the NETPAC Award for Best Asian Feature Film.
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Critical Reception:
The film has received generally positive reviews for its visual innovation and thematic depth. Cineuropa described it as "a stunning, even overwhelming and definitely impressive debut," noting its unique blend of dystopian elements with Eastern spirituality.
Reviews on Cinema Sites:
Cineuropa: Praised the film's combination of classic dystopian narratives with Eastern philosophical concepts, highlighting its unique visual style.
DMovies: Noted the film's retro-futuristic animation and its commentary on authoritarianism and the suppression of individualism.
ScreenAnarchy: Highlighted the film's exploration of community, queerness, and the embrace of the strange and wild, describing it as a "surreal symphony."
Production Details:
Voice Cast:
Golshifteh Farahani as 242B
Asia Argento as Lies
Gaspar Noé as F
Anurag Kashyap as Sharab Customer
Karan Johar as The Announcer
Shekhar Kapur as Council Member
Lav Diaz as Poet
SoKo as 33F
Production Companies:
Red Cigarette Media: An Indian animation studio founded by Ishan Shukla, responsible for the film's animation and creative development.
Dissidenz Films: A Paris-based production company involved in international co-productions.
Rapid Eye Movies: A German company specializing in the distribution and production of eclectic films.
New Europe Film Sales: Handles international sales and distribution for the film.
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11247622/
About movie: https://rapideyemovies.de/schirkoa-in-lies-we-trust/
This film is recommended for viewers interested in:
Dystopian Narratives: Explores the dynamics of oppressive societies and the human spirit's resilience.
Innovative Animation: Showcases a unique blend of animation techniques, offering a fresh visual experience.
Philosophical Themes: Engages with deep questions
Link to watch: https://pro.festivalscope.com/film/schirkoa-in-lies-we-trust