"Maldives" is a 2024 Greek drama film directed by Daniel Bolda. The narrative centers on an elementary music teacher residing in a secluded mountainous town with his dog. Yearning for a warmer, beachside life, his reality unravels when his dog disappears, leading him to question his sanity as visions from the afterlife emerge, disrupting his world.
Isolation and Longing: The protagonist's desire to escape his cold environment reflects a deeper yearning for change and connection.
Sanity and Perception: The film delves into the fragility of the human mind when faced with unexplained phenomena and loss.
Supernatural Intrusion: The emergence of afterlife visions introduces elements of the supernatural, challenging the boundaries between reality and imagination.
"Maldives" premiered at the 65th Thessaloniki International Film Festival in November 2024, where it was featured in the official selection.
While specific reviews are limited due to its recent release, early audience feedback has noted the film's atmospheric storytelling and the compelling performance of Antonis Tsiotsiopoulos in the lead role.
Director and Writer: Daniel Bolda
Nicholas Alavanos (Executive Producer)
Daniel Bolda
Faye Tsitsipi (Co-Producer)
Cinematography: Evan Maragkoudakis
Editing: Nikos Pastras
Music: Yannis Veslemes
Sound: Xenofontas Kontopoulos
Costume Design: Anna Zotou
Set Design: Vangelis Kyrozis
Production Companies:
Filmiki S.A.
In co-production with COSMOTE TV, Edelweiss, and the Hellenic Film and Audiovisual Center
Supported by Onassis Culture
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt34451707/
Link to watch: https://pro.festivalscope.com/film/maldives