"DOM" is a 2025 documentary directed by Svetlana Rodina and Laurent Stoop. The film provides an intimate look into the lives of young Russian dissidents who have fled to Tbilisi, Georgia, seeking refuge from political repression in their homeland. The title, "DOM," translates to "home" in Russian, reflecting the central theme of the documentary.
Plot Summary:
The documentary follows a diverse group of young Russians, including a women's rights activist, a young journalist couple, a supporter of Alexei Navalny, and a political blogger. Forced to leave Russia due to increasing repression and the ongoing war, they find themselves in a shared shelter in Tbilisi. As digital dissidents, they navigate the challenges of exile, grappling with their identities and the concept of "home" in a foreign land.
Director's Vision:
Svetlana Rodina and Laurent Stoop aim to shed light on the personal stories of young Russian exiles, emphasizing their resilience and the complexities of their new lives in Tbilisi. Through a restrained and observational approach, the directors allow the protagonists to share their experiences, hopes, and fears, providing viewers with an unfiltered glimpse into their world.
Exile and Identity: The film delves into the struggles of young Russians as they redefine their identities away from their homeland.
Search for Home: It explores the concept of "home," both as a physical space and an emotional state, for those who have been uprooted.
Political Repression: The documentary highlights the impact of political oppression on individuals, leading to forced migration and the loss of one's native country.
Key Success Factors:
Authentic Storytelling: The film's observational style provides an unvarnished look into the lives of its subjects, fostering empathy and understanding.
Timely Subject Matter: Addressing current geopolitical issues, "DOM" resonates with contemporary audiences concerned about human rights and political freedom.
"DOM" offers a compelling and intimate portrayal of young Russian dissidents seeking refuge in Tbilisi, Georgia. Through their personal narratives, the film explores themes of exile, identity, and the quest for a new sense of home amidst political turmoil.
Awards, and Nominations:
"DOM" had its world premiere at the Duisburger Filmwoche on November 4, 2024, and was selected to open the festival. It also had its Swiss premiere at the 60th Solothurn Film Festival in January 2025, where it was nominated for the "Prix de Soleure."
Critical Reception:
Critics have praised "DOM" for its delicate and well-structured narrative, effectively portraying the need to understand one's own story to achieve self-acceptance. The film's restrained approach allows the protagonists' voices to shine, offering a poignant exploration of displacement and resilience.
The film was produced by DokLab GmbH in co-production with SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen. Svetlana Rodina and Laurent Stoop served as writers and directors, with Stoop also handling cinematography and sound. Editing was done by Rodina and Orsola Valenti, and the music was composed by Marcel Vaid and Anna Infantyeva.
Production Companies:
DokLab GmbH
SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (co-producer)
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt29367051/
About movie: https://www.doklab.com/production/dom
Link to watch: https://pro.festivalscope.com/film/dom
For viewers interested in human rights, political documentaries, and personal stories of resilience, "DOM" provides a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant experience. Its timely subject matter and authentic storytelling make it a significant contribution to contemporary documentary cinema.