"Buzzheart" is a 2024 psychological thriller directed by Dennis Iliadis. The film centers on Argyris, a 19-year-old who becomes romantically involved with Mary, a woman he meets at a physiotherapy center. Invited to her family's country house, Argyris is subjected to a series of increasingly intense and brutal tests by Mary's parents, who are deeply concerned for their fragile daughter. These trials push the boundaries of his love to its absolute limits.
Neda Film
Summary: "Buzzheart" is a psychological thriller that delves into the extremes of love and the psychological manipulation within family dynamics. Directed by Dennis Iliadis, the film presents a tense narrative where a young man's affection is tested through a series of harrowing trials imposed by his girlfriend's parents. The film's release in Greece has garnered mixed reviews, and further details regarding international availability are awaited.
Testing the Limits of Love: Explores how far one is willing to go to prove their love under extreme circumstances.
Psychological Manipulation: Examines the impact of intense psychological tests on an individual's psyche.
Family Dynamics: Highlights the lengths to which a family might go to protect a vulnerable member.
Production Details:
Production Companies:
Panoply Films
Neda Film
Faust Post Production House
Greek Film Centre (GFC)
Distribution: Spentzos Films (Greece)
Link IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26750984/
Link Review: https://cineuropa.org/en/newsdetail/470677/
About movie: https://nedafilm.gr/portfolio/buzzheart/
Link to watch: https://pro.festivalscope.com/film/buzzheart